family hugging on couch knowing the stages of addiction recovery

Stages of Addiction Recovery

In 2018, over 21 million Americans needed treatment because of their substance use disorder, whether to drugs or alcohol. Addiction is a chronic disease. Thus, the healing process takes time. Addiction is complex. It involves both physical and psychological elements. Because of this, the stages of addiction recovery will be different for every person. Yet there are commonalities. If you or a loved one is ready to get healthy, then understanding the stages of addiction recovery can help prepare for what’s ahead. At Promises Five Palms, you’ll find the facilities, treatments, and staff you need to make your recovery a lasting one.

Stages of Addiction Recovery

Precontemplative: Before an individual considers treatment, they occupy this stage. Perhaps they don’t yet recognize they have a substance use issue; perhaps they are in denial. However, others around them, friends, family, co-workers, have noticed an issue. This initial stage is where an individual with substance use disorder needs to be confronted or educated about the impact of their addiction and encouraged to seek help.

Contemplative: Once an individual is aware of their substance use disorder, they enter this stage. Often this is the stage where interventions are held. Doing so prompts the individual to seek out treatment.

Preparation and Action: This is the point where people ready themselves for treatment and begin it. With the help of others or on their own, individuals discover what kind of treatment can help them. It is one of the practical stages of addiction recovery. Not only do individuals find a facility and program (perhaps intensive outpatient care or residential rehab), but they also start the necessary therapy to overcome their addiction.

Maintenance: Because addiction is chronic, it requires constant attention. Making a lasting recovery is an ongoing process. Of the stages of addiction recovery, this is the one most focused on therapeutic services. Often individuals join support groups and continue their work to stay sober to prevent relapse. However, if relapse or remission occurs, they have a support system or plan to deal with it.

Addressing Mental Health in Recovery

Frequently, people struggling with substance use disorder also have an underlying mental health issue. For example, someone suffering from depression, anxiety disorder, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), or some other undiagnosed mental health issue may turn to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. Superficially, doing so relieves the discomfort or pain of the mental health issue. Unfortunately, as it is left untreated, the mental health issue only worsens. Thus, individuals find themselves caught in a vicious cycle. Often it leads to dependency. When someone experiences this, professionals call it a co-occurring disorder. Dual diagnosis treatment addresses both issues making sure the individual is healed from each. Otherwise, the risk of relapse greatly increases. Some of the other mental health issues Promises Five Palms to treat include:

Promises Five Palms

If you’re ready to confront addiction, Promises Five Palms is here to support you. Like any disease, if left untreated, addiction will only worsen. To get healthy, you need support. Making a recovery will take time, but addiction is treatable. Knowing the stages of addiction recovery can help you understand what you or a loved one will be in for. But at Promises Five Palms, we make it a point to provide you with the resources you need to succeed.

You aren’t alone. Contact us today at 1.844.675.1022 to learn more about how we can help you get back to living a healthy life.

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