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Welcome To Rooted: Promises Five Palms Alumni Communities
is a free service provided to alumni from any of the Promises family of treatment centers to attend for life and is offered weekly at a variety of cities nationwide and online through our virtual meetings on the Zoom platform.
As society is aligning with the social adjustments needed for purposeful distancing, we have adjusted our sails so that we can navigate these winds and lead our alumni and others in recovery through these storms while continuing to provide meaningful avenues of connection.
Until further notice, We are welcoming all people in all forms of recovery (including those who did not attend treatment with us) to join us on any of our recently-expanded range of virtual recovery meetings. No matter what you are recovering from or what brought you here, WE ARE SO GLAD TO HAVE YOU JOIN US!
Below you will find our live calendar listing each of our virtual recovery meetings that are accessible to anyone worldwide all week, every week!

Michael Cerar | Alumni Adviser
Promises Five Palms
Phone: (386) 265-8286
All of our alumni coordinators are peer recovery trained.
Five Palms Alumni Program
Your recovery journey doesn’t end when you complete your mental health or addiction treatment program at Five Palms. In fact, treatment is just the first phase of the rest of your life, in which maintaining your recovery will be a constant goal.
When you go to Five Palms, your progress is helped both by our professional staff and the environment in which you are spending your time. Once you leave, however, the stresses, temptations, and obligations of your life can erode your progress. We want to help you cement your progress and make it permanent. That’s why we’ve launched our Five Palms Alumni Program, Rooted.
What Happens In Alumni Programs?
Alumni programs bring together past attendees of a treatment program, whether it’s residential or outpatient. The alumni network allows people in recovery to connect with one another. These connections can serve multiple purposes, including:
- Professional connections that help you get back on your feet
- Support groups. Meetings like these date back to the beginnings of Alcoholics Anonymous.
- Together, people in recovery can learn and grow from each other’s struggles and help prevent relapse. For those overcoming a mental health disorder, it provides a community of people who struggle with the same disorder in their lives.
- Helping others going through recovery in a treatment program or afterward
- Annual gatherings that help solidify people’s bonds to their recovery peers
- Community involvement
Joining Rooted helps you maintain the support network that helped you succeed in rehab.
One of the most important lessons of recovery, both before and after treatment, is that you don’t have to go it alone. This maxim is true in detox, where medical staff mitigates withdrawal. It is true in therapy when therapists and peers help you psychologically overcome mental health or addiction. And it is true after rehab, where alumni and support groups can help you stay on the straight and narrow.
Who Is Eligible To Join Rooted?
Rooted is a free service provided to Five Palms alumni to attend for life. Rooted is offered weekly at a variety of cities nationwide and online through our virtual meetings on the Zoom platform.
Even if you didn’t attend Five Palms, you can still join our alumni program! We want to help as many people as possible cement their recovery. No matter who or where you are, Five Palms and Rooted are here for you.
Below you will find our live calendar listing each of our virtual recovery meetings that are accessible to anyone worldwide all week, every week! [insert calendar]
Treatment at Five Palms
No matter where you are on your road to recovery, Five Palms has services that can help you achieve your dreams. Before you root your recovery in Rooted, transform your life in one of our treatment programs. We offer both mental health and substance abuse treatment programs, including:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Bipolar disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Addiction for men
- Addiction for women
Don’t wait another day to beat your mental health disorder or addiction. Contact Five Palms online or call 1.844.675.1022. We’re happy to answer your questions about Rooted and admissions to our treatment programs.