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Person sitting in the dark, wondwering, "What is DMT?"

What Is DMT?

With the increasing popularity of psychedelics like dimethyltryptamine (DMT), it is natural to want to know more about these drugs. Although DMT has been used for sacramental reasons for many years, researchers have only recently begun to study its medicinal potential. DMT shows some promise for treating depression, but more research is needed before it […]

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Two people talking about bipolar symptoms in women

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Women?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that can significantly interfere with daily living. It affects men and women differently, so the best treatment utilizes an individualized approach. Bipolar symptoms in females can sometimes be mistaken for other conditions, like depression, resulting in ineffective treatment. To ensure you receive a proper diagnosis, consult a reputable

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Two people talking about bipolar symptoms in men

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Men?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects men and women differently. This can make it more challenging to recognize this condition in a loved one. Bipolar symptoms in men can disrupt the lives of people with the disorder and those closest to them, so it is essential to recognize the signs and get the

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Man exemplifying what happens with substance abuse in older adults

The Impact of Substance Abuse on Older Adults

Many people begin experimenting with drugs or alcohol in their teens and early twenties, but this is usually only a temporary phase. Unfortunately, some people go on into their older years to develop an addiction to these substances. The worst part is that the older a person gets, the more significant the impact is on

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Man recognizing benzo abuse warning signs in himself

Warning Signs of Benzo Abuse

Like many prescription medications, benzodiazepines can be abused and lead to addiction. These sedative drugs can play a crucial role in helping someone with severe anxiety or panic disorder feel calmer so they can function. But when taken excessively or recreationally, they can lead to dangerous side effects. Learn about benzo abuse warning signs to

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Young person experiencing some types of peer pressure

What Are the Types of Peer Pressure?

Peer pressure is a powerful force. It is one of the most effective ways to change someone’s behavior. While peer pressure can lead to positive behaviors, it can also influence you to engage in harmful behaviors like excessive drinking or drug use. Learning to stand up to peer pressure can protect you from its potent

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Young person experiencing peer pressure and substance abuse simultaneously

Peer Pressure and Substance Abuse

Peer pressure is a normal part of growing up. Young people are constantly surrounded by their peers and exposed to the values and beliefs of others. People tend to be influenced by others similar in age, social status, gender, race, education level, and appearance. While peer pressure can be positive or negative, some types of

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