Woman wondering how to deal with paranoia

How To Deal With Paranoia

Paranoia is one of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia, affecting a majority of people living with this condition. Paranoia can come and go, or it can be a constant struggle. It is important to understand that feeling paranoid is not a sign that you are crazy. It is actually an understandable reaction to what may be perceived as a frightening world. Finding a quality schizophrenia treatment program can help you learn how to deal with paranoia attacks so you can find more peace.

Schizophrenia can be an unsettling diagnosis, but with the right treatment, you can continue to live a productive life. Promises Five Palms offers a comprehensive schizophrenia treatment program to help you manage your symptoms for less interruption to your daily life. Contact us at 1.844.675.1022 to find out more about how we treat schizophrenia at our facility.

What Are Paranoia Attacks?

Paranoia attacks are common in people with schizophrenia. They involve periods where you fear that you are in danger, even if it is not true. During paranoia attacks, you may:

  • Think people around you are trying to harm you
  • Question the motives of others
  • Be overcome with intense feelings of fear or worry
  • Become secretive since you do not trust others
  • Become highly sensitive to perceived slights, no matter how small

Paranoia attacks can be challenging to manage because no matter how much another person tries to convince you that your fears are not based on reality, your mind will not see things that way. And for some people, paranoia attacks may require hospitalization if they are severe and you are at risk of self-harm or violence.

How to Deal With Paranoia Attacks

Although paranoia attacks are a common symptom of schizophrenia, they can be quite frightening for some people. Here are some helpful tips on how to deal with paranoia attacks:

Get professional treatment

It helps to work with medical professionals specializing in schizophrenia. You may need to try a few different medications or therapies before finding one that works well for you. It is OK if this process takes time, but let your doctor know right away if you experience side effects or worsening of your symptoms.

Practice good self-care

You may not be able to prevent paranoia attacks, but you can help yourself feel calmer when they do happen. Practicing good self-care can include soothing activities like meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises. 

Keep a journal 

You may try to fight off paranoid feelings, but that can sometimes make them more persistent. Instead, get those thoughts out of your head and down on paper in a journal. Releasing your thoughts rather than keeping them bottled up can provide some relief. You can also track your diet, exercise, and other activities to see if there is a pattern that precedes paranoia attacks. This allows you to make changes to your lifestyle that may reduce the frequency of these attacks.

Seek support from your loved ones

Family and friends can be a great source of support. They can help you get the treatment you need and avoid situations that trigger paranoia. However, it is important to be honest with them about what you are going through. You may want to hide your symptoms from the people you care about, but it is best to talk to them when you feel the paranoia creeping up so they can offer their support.

In addition to the above tips on how to deal with paranoia, it is also highly recommended that you practice healthy lifestyle habits. A balanced diet, regular exercise, restorative sleep, and adequate downtime can help you feel calmer and more balanced overall.

Get Help for Schizophrenia at Promises Five Palms

Understanding how to deal with paranoia attacks can help you try to get ahead of them once you spot the signs that one is coming on. Schizophrenia treatment at Promises Five Palms can help you explore your triggers, become familiar with the early signs of a paranoia attack, and develop a plan to manage your symptoms. Contact us today at 1.844.675.1022 to set up an intake assessment for our comprehensive schizophrenia treatment program.

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