COVID-19, Addiction, and Your Physical Health
A few months ago, the world discovered the novel coronavirus, called COVID-19. As thousands of people across the globe began to be affected by this sweeping pandemic, it also drew attention to how important your overall health is in a crisis like this. People with substance use disorder are at a higher risk of coronavirus complications, thereby indicating how addiction and your physical health is a factor.
Addiction and Your Physical Health
Addiction and your physical health are very closely connected. Your immune system and internal organs all work together to keep your body operating smoothly. In addition, they fight off foreign substances, such as viruses and diseases. When your immunity is operating at less than top efficiency, then you will be more prone to contract viruses and illnesses.
People who abuse any type of substance are damaging their bodies. They are compromising their kidneys, liver, lungs, and more. In addition, they have a weakened immune system too. Usually, these people do not get proper nutrition either, which leaves them deficient.
Connection Between Addiction And COVID-19
The World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control indicate that people who have underlying health problems are at higher risk for complications due to the virus. The elderly are at higher risk as well. Therefore, if you have substance use disorder, you put yourself in the vulnerable category.
Symptoms And Health Risks Of COVID-19
COVID-19 is best described as a respiratory virus. It can do permanent damage to the lungs and even lead to death in some people. A large percentage of people will recover from the virus, but they may require hospitalization. Others are not as fortunate, especially those in a high-risk group.
The number of cases in the United States is rising daily, putting more people at risk since its highly contagious. If you improve your health by taking care of your body, you can help reduce the risk.
So, what are the symptoms? Symptoms are similar to that of pneumonia or a bad cold, depending on how bad you get it. Some of the symptoms include a fever, a dry cough, and severe shortness of breath.
How To Reduce Your Risk Of COVID-19
There are several recommendations for reducing the risk of contracting the virus. There are common measures you can take such as:
- Wash your hands thoroughly whenever you touch a shared surface
- Social distancing (maintain 6 feet distance from others)
- Do not touch your face unless you’ve just washed your hands and haven’t touched any other shared surface or person since
- Boost your immunity through healthy living, nutritious meals, and exercise
You can begin the journey to a healthier you and a strong immune system by connecting with a drug and alcohol rehab facility like Five Palms. Take the first step to boost your health through a sober life.
Addiction Treatment at Five Palms
At Five Palms, experienced therapists and medical professionals will guide you through the detox process and help you get a stronger immune system.
When you attend Five Palms, a compassionate medical team is there to help you find the pathway to a brighter future. You will also find a broad range of evidence-based therapy programs to help you heal internally. Some of these programs include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Family therapy
- Group therapy
- Individual therapy
Don’t let substance use problems get in the way of being healthy. Now that you understand more about the connection between addiction and your physical health, seek treatment by going to a quality drug and alcohol rehab center. Call us at 1.844.675.1022 to learn more.