Two people talking during an IOP sessionWelcome to My 5 Palms, located in the serene setting of Ormond Beach, Florida. We offer a variety of addiction treatment programs, each tailored to meet your unique needs and circumstances. One such program is our intensive outpatient program (IOP), which combines flexible scheduling with comprehensive care. Contact My 5 Palms online or call 1.844.675.1022 to speak with our caring and compassionate team today and learn how our IOP can aid your addiction recovery journey.

What Is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Addiction treatment is a multifaceted approach aimed at helping individuals overcome substance use disorders and related mental health issues. It encompasses a variety of therapeutic interventions, targeting not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of addiction. The ultimate goal is to equip individuals with the skills and strategies needed for long-term recovery.

At My 5 Palms, we offer an extensive range of addiction treatments, from individual therapy to group sessions, all designed with your specific needs and goals in mind. Our intensive outpatient program is a level of addiction treatment that provides a comprehensive level of care while allowing you to maintain some of your daily routines. Unlike residential programs, participants in an IOP are not required to stay overnight at the treatment center. This flexibility makes it an ideal choice for those who need intensive care but also have home, work, or school commitments.

Our IOP at My 5 Palms is designed to give you the structure and support needed to overcome addiction while allowing you to apply the skills you learn in real-life settings. This balance can be instrumental in your recovery journey.

How an IOP Works for Addiction Treatment

The intensive outpatient program at My 5 Palms operates as follows:

  • Participants attend treatment sessions three days a week for several hours each day.
  • You will engage in various therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and more.
  • Our program also provides treatments for co-occurring mental health conditions such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, and more.

This structured yet flexible approach allows you to receive intensive treatment while maintaining aspects of your daily life. Our team at My 5 Palms will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses all aspects of your addiction and mental health.

Benefits of Enrolling in Our Intensive Outpatient Program

There are numerous benefits to enrolling in an IOP at My 5 Palms:

  • Intensity – The program offers the same level of intensity as residential treatment but with more flexibility.
  • Balance – You can maintain specific responsibilities and aspects of your daily life while receiving treatment.
  • Comprehensive care – Our IOP addresses both addiction and any co-occurring mental health conditions, ensuring a holistic treatment approach.
  • Support – Group therapy sessions provide opportunities to connect with others on a path to recovery, fostering a supportive community.
  • Transition – An IOP can serve as a step-down from residential care or a step-up from traditional outpatient programs, aiding the transition between different levels of care.

At My 5 Palms, we believe in providing compassionate, evidence-based treatment that supports your journey to recovery. Our intensive outpatient program is just one of the many tools we offer to help you overcome addiction and build a healthier future.

Enroll in an IOP for Addiction Treatment at My 5 Palms

Take the first step towards recovery today. Reach out to our dedicated team at My 5 Palms and discover how our IOP can support you on your path to recovery. Remember, lifelong recovery is possible, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Contact our team online or call 1.844.675.1022 today to learn more.

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