Intensive Outpatient Program

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People sitting in a circle at an intensive outpatient programAre you ready to get help for addiction? If you are, your next step is to look for a treatment program. As you browse the internet for treatment facilities, you may notice terminology you are not yet familiar with, such as IOP, PHP, or OP. These refer to different types of addiction treatment programs. For example, IOP stands for an intensive outpatient program. If you have already completed addiction treatment, need additional support, or have a mild to moderate addiction, an IOP may suit you.

Sifting through your addiction treatment options can be overwhelming, but when you choose My 5 Palms, there is no need to worry. We offer various treatment programs, from residential to several outpatient options. Contact My 5 Palms today at 1.844.675.1022 to learn more about our intensive outpatient program in Ormond Beach.

What Is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Finding the right addiction treatment program is easier when you understand each program’s differences and explore your recovery needs. As expected, residential treatment is the most intensive since you live at the facility. As far as outpatient programs go, a partial hospitalization program is the most intensive. An intensive outpatient program is less intensive but offers greater flexibility, while a traditional outpatient program provides the most flexible schedule.

A few things to know about intensive outpatient programs:

  • You will attend treatment sessions three to five days per week.
  • You may have the option of choosing between day, evening, or weekend sessions.
  • Sessions typically last about three hours.
  • You will receive medical services as needed, including medication management.
  • You will attend individual and group therapy sessions.
  • You may also participate in support groups or family counseling.

The length of an intensive outpatient program varies depending on your recovery progress. But for most people, an IOP runs about 30 to 60 days. After that, you will likely transition to an outpatient program (OP) for continued support on a lighter schedule.

Do You Need an Intensive Outpatient Program?

If you have a severe addiction, you probably know that residential or partial hospitalization is necessary to recover. But what if your addiction is mild to moderate? How do you know which addiction treatment program is right for you then? Thankfully, your care team can help determine the best treatment option during your intake assessment. But if you would like to know what you can expect before then, here are a few indicators that an IOP may be ideal for you.

You Are Transitioning from Residential Treatment or a PHP

If you have already completed a more intensive treatment program, including detox, it is best to continue receiving treatment from a less structured program. An IOP is the perfect stepping stone after completing a residential or partial hospitalization program.

You Need Support to Maintain Sobriety

If you have tried quitting drugs or alcohol before but could not abstain long-term, it could be because you did not have a strong support system. Having the proper support means reducing your risk of relapse. If you do not require inpatient treatment, an IOP may provide the right level of support you need to stay on course.

You Need a Flexible Treatment Schedule

Although it may be necessary for some people to enroll in a residential treatment program, it may not always be possible. If you find it challenging to take time off work or are a primary caregiver for children or someone ill, inpatient treatment may not be practical. IOP meets a few times a week so you can continue to fulfill your obligations while you work on your recovery.

Find an Intensive Outpatient Program in Ormond Beach, Florida, at My 5 Palms

A fulfilling, sober lifestyle is only a phone call away. If you need addiction support in the Ormond Beach area, contact My 5 Palms today at 1.844.675.1022. Our sunny Florida location offers comprehensive treatment programs, including intensive outpatient services.

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