A woman is thinking about her New Year's resolutions and recovery goals.

The Importance of Setting Recovery Goals

The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on your goals and what you want out of life. If you have been struggling with addiction and finding it difficult to quit drugs or alcohol, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to develop a plan and put it into action. Learn how setting recovery goals for the new year can be the inspiration you need for a sober lifestyle moving forward. 

There is no better time than now to make a fresh start. To set yourself up for the best chance of a successful recovery, call My 5 Palms at 1.844.675.1022 to enroll in one of our comprehensive inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment programs

Should You Set Recovery Goals for the New Year? 

Many people set New Year’s resolutions each year by creating a written list, stating their goals aloud, or having a general idea of what they want to achieve. The most common resolutions revolve around weight loss or financial gain, but your resolutions can focus on recovery or anything else that’s important to you. If you’re skeptical about whether setting New Year’s recovery goals will make a difference, here are a few reasons you should give it a try this year: 

  • Setting specific recovery goals can help you stay focused on what exactly you wish to achieve. 
  • It is easier to track your progress when you have designated certain milestones, such as daily, weekly, or monthly goals. 
  • Celebrating your achievements each time you hit a milestone can be incredibly motivating. 

Be sure to share your recovery goals with others in your life, as this provides a sense of accountability that will help you stay on track. 

Ideas for New Year’s Resolutions for Recovery 

Even though your main goal for recovery is to leave drugs or alcohol behind, it’s best to break this goal down into smaller, actionable steps or resolutions. Here are a few ideas for your highest chance of success:  

Engaging in One Self-Care Activity Each Day 

Self-care nourishes your mind, body, and soul, which is an integral part of addiction recovery. Pick a self-care activity you enjoy or try a different one each day to see which brings the best results. Some examples of self-care activities you can do daily are yoga, journaling, and meditation. You can also throw an occasional splurge into the mix, such as getting a massage or going for a manicure or pedicure (these are also great ways to celebrate hitting your milestones). 

Attending Support Groups at Least Once a Week 

Participating in support groups regularly can help you stay connected to others in recovery, providing a sense of community and encouragement. You may want to try out different types of support groups to find which one you like the most. Some people find online support groups more convenient and easier to fit into their schedule, while others prefer face-to-face interactions. 

Reaching Out for Help Whenever You Are Struggling 

Many people try to navigate recovery on their own, but that can make it more challenging to stay on your path. One very valuable New Year’s resolution for recovery is to vow to reach out for help whenever you feel tempted to use or on the verge of relapse. This can include contacting a loved one, a sober buddy, someone in your support group, or a member of your addiction treatment team.  

Achieve Your Recovery Goals This Year by Enrolling in Treatment at My 5 Palms 

If you are committed to your recovery in the new year, get the support you need from My 5 Palms. Our dedicated team can provide you with the resources needed to set and achieve New Year’s resolutions for your recovery, whether you need detox or addiction treatment or are looking for long-term support to maintain your sobriety, like through our alumni or aftercare groups. Start your year off right by reaching out online or contacting us at 1.844.675.1022 today. 

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