Recognizing that you need treatment from an addiction rehab or mental health program is a significant step, but it’s not all you need to decide.
The next question is what type of program is best for you. Do you need an outpatient or residential program? Do you want to travel for treatment and recover in a new, relaxing environment? Should you assume that a more expensive program has better treatment outcomes?
Financial Considerations
The truth is that there’s not a one-to-one relationship between expense and quality. The extra money you spend for a luxury facility may not be for things that improve your treatment at all. In reality, you may actually be paying for things that distract you from focusing on your recovery goals.
No matter your budget, you’ll want to check costs before deciding on a program. Does your insurance cover it? If it does, you may pay much less than you might expect for quality treatment.
How long can you afford to stay? More extended addiction rehab is associated with better treatment outcomes so a longer stay at a less expensive facility is likely to be more beneficial than a short stay at a more expensive one. You may also want to choose a program with both residential and outpatient options. Sometimes people will choose to attend a residential program and then transition to outpatient therapy to extend their time in treatment.
Programming Considerations
You’ll want to determine what you’ll actually be paying for. The most important part of treatment is the therapy and not the amenities. What are the therapeutic models? Is the treatment the program provides evidence-based and custom fit for you as an individual?
A luxury treatment center may or may not base its programming on evidence-based practices. Certain therapies have been proven to reduce substance use and associated symptoms and have also been shown to alleviate legal, medical, employment, and family problems. Some therapies have consistently shown to be effective in mental health rehab. No matter what else a luxury program offers, if they aren’t focusing on evidence-based practices, you’re gambling with your recovery.
What We Offer
At Promises Five Palms, you’ll pay only for what you need and not for what you don’t. We offer evidence-based, trauma-informed treatment that’s tailored specifically to you and your uniqueness. We know one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to addiction and mental health therapy. We have residential, outpatient and even online outpatient options.
Even though our focus is on your therapy and providing you with exactly what you need, we know the environment matters, too, and we want you to be relaxed and free from distractions. We offer treatment in a peaceful, home-like atmosphere where you’ll have your own comfortable bedroom and a large yard where you can soak in the Florida sunshine.
The bottom line is that pricier doesn’t mean better, and luxury treatment isn’t necessary or even the best way to heal. We can help you find the exact program you or your loved one needs. Call our recovery specialists today at 1.844.675.1022 to find out more about our treatment options.